Toms River Yacht Club
Toms River Yacht Club is a year-round private Club whose mission is to promote “friendly competition and interest in activities connected with sailing, boating and yachting.”
Stories from Toms River Yacht Club
On July 1, 1871, a group of men interested in yachting and racing organized the Toms River Yacht Club. Charles S. Haines was the first Commodore and his house, the Stewart House, was its first temporary headquarters. On July 26, 1871, TRYC sponsored its first regatta. The prize was the Toms River Challenge Cup, a beautiful coin silver trophy designed by Joseph Chattellier who was a charter member of the club. It was created by Tiffany’s, New York at a cost of $175. This coveted cup, now the oldest perpetual racing trophy in the United States, has been in competition on Barnegat Bay every year since that date. It resides in the Club’s trophy case for all to admire. The stories it could tell!
In 1903, the Club Burgee, a blue “T” on a triangular white field, was authorized, and by 1911 a growing membership built a new clubhouse on Robbins Parkway. 57 years later in 1968, TRYC moved to its present location in Money Island. This move enabled the club to have more adequate docks and buildings, plus far superior sailing waters and a fantastic river view. In 1972, the Money Island Yacht Club merged with TRYC. This was a happy joining which provided TRYC with not only additional property, but also many well-known and experienced sailors. In the early 20’s, the Barnegat Bay Yacht Racing Association was organized by the yacht clubs on the Bay to promote and encourage one design racing in the area. 1922 found the TRYC joining this group, which was and still is, a unique organization.
Bob Minarchi